Media Pressure

“In the Second World War, Britain’s media was a crucial part of the war effort to save the country from fascism. Now it must meet its responsibility to tackle the climate emergency.” This quote from an article in The Independent really struck a chord with me.

As much as I know that doing my little bit for the environment does make a difference I am very much aware that there are still too many people that haven’t started their sustainability journey yet. Yes, I am encouraged by the number of social media groups that I see with more and more people trying their best to make a difference, however we need to scale up our collective efforts dramatically if we are to make enough of an impact before we run out of time.

This is where I believe the media comes in, we need to be communicating powerful messages to as many people as possible so that there can be no more excuses of ignorance as to the truth and scale of the issues that we face and what we should all be doing. I have been pleased to see that the BBC has started to give more prominence and punch to its climate change articles and I hope that this will continue.

I have however decided to start supporting other organisations that have the capability of doing this. Since starting my sustainability journey most of the climate change news articles that I have found useful have been published by The Guardian. So for the first time ever I have subscribed to a news provider. We are going to need media muscle to take this challenge to the next level and we can’t expect journalists to work for free, so I have now downloaded The Guardian app to my phone for a small monthly fee. (There is also the option to just make a contribution of your choice starting from £1.)

I want to show my support to the journalists that are trying to help climate change, the monthly payment is such a small amount of money that I won’t even miss it. But we would all miss the news articles if they were gone as then we really would be able to plead ignorance.