2019 has been a surprise, it started out just like any other year for me however at the end of April my perspective on life changed. I had my eyes opened to the causes and effects of climate change and I haven’t been able to live my life in the same way since. My priorities have changed, my children are still my number one but preserving this world for their future wellbeing is now a part of that priority.
Once I started to listen to the science about climate change I couldn’t unhear it. The more I learn the more compelled I feel to take action. I am scared, frustrated and angry that the people in power are not doing enough to stop the demise of our planet. I fear for the future that we are creating for our children.
But there is still hope, if we act quickly we can limit the damage we are causing and hopefully find a way to sustain our planet. It is through the small actions of the many that we can let our voices be heard and be the change that is so badly needed.
I hope that I have helped to inspire others to join me on this mission over the last few months. Your kind words and messages have truly helped. There is still so much more that I need to do and I will be tackling it with an increased urgency over the next year.
Happy New Year lovely people, the new decade is about to kick off. Here’s to making 2020 the game changer that it needs to be!