Advent Calendar

I keep saying that I don’t know where my time goes, but in reality it is from doing silly little things like this!

For the last couple of years, I have treated my boys to a Lego Advent Calendar to share alongside their usual refillable calendar. (In which I just put a small foil wrapped chocolate, and no I haven’t yet managed to find any that come without the annoying plastic net bag.)

If I could go back in time and not have introduced them to the Lego Calendar I would, but unfortunately now the precedent has been set and I know that my youngest (who is a huge Lego fan) would be very disappointed if he didn’t get one as he has already been talking about it.

So in order to at least try to be a bit more sustainable this year, I decided to create my own second hand Lego Advent Calendar. Luckily, I found this lovely little Lego set in my local charity shop about a month ago. So this week I ending up spending an afternoon dividing it up into 24 parts ready to give to the boys in little gift bags. The gift bags themselves I have had stashed in my wrapping up collection for quite a few years now and so I am very pleased that they are finally getting some use.

Thing only thing left to do now is to hope that I followed the instructions correctly so that they actually get all of the right pieces in the right order!!!!

So if you saw me running down the road late for school pick up this week, now you know that it was because I was faffing around putting Lego pieces into an ice cube tray and gift bags! Yes, it was a bit more of an effort than buying a new one but I definitely think that it was worth it.