Having just watched the debate between the two potential candidates looking to become our next Prime Minister, I was hoping to hear something that would give me some reassurance that our future Government would take the climate emergency seriously. What I got was the exact opposite.
The carefully scripted question about climate change was disappointingly ‘What 3 things should the public do to tackle climate change?’ Wait? What? Why is this being put onto us as individuals? I want to hear about what our next Prime Minister is going to do to HELP US all tackle climate change in the most impactful way.
The answers were even more disappointing, save energy, recycle, buy, less, waste less (especially food waste) and innovate. Rishi even made a joke about the seriousness of what we needed to do as he admitted his answers came from his children, ‘as they know all about it’!!!! Our next Prime Minister should know everything about the climate emergency, what it is going to take to mitigate its worst effects and have a robust plan as to how they are going to help us make the necessary changes.
I realise they are trying to win votes and so don’t want to say anything to scare or upset anyone but they could at least take it seriously and say what THEY are going to do, not put the onus onto us. Where was the improve public transport so that we can all drive less? Where is the stop letting water companies dump raw sewage in our rivers? Where is the invest in renewable energy? Surely these are no-brainers?
I will therefore now be sending a strongly worded email to my local MP voicing my fury at the lack of importance placed on climate change. It is this sort of attitude shown in the media that is deceiving the public that we will get out of this mess with such small and simple actions. I am hoping that at least one of these candidates has a realistic view of the challenges that we face and that they are just too scared to voice it right now.
I had never taken any interest in politics until I started to take action for climate change, but as we desperately need leaders that will take climate change seriously I now try to use my voice as much as possible. In this case I will be asking those that are able to vote for the next leader to carefully consider and choose who would actually face up to this challenge.
The candidates were talking about the importance of being honest and having morals, well so far they are failing at both of these when it comes to climate change.
#tellthetruth #actnow #climateemergency #useyourvoice